When you call a phone sex company for a session, the whole point is to enjoy yourself! We know that and we want you to have the very best phone sex experience possible, every time you talk to one of our Mistresses.
No one is perfect all the time, but we aim to always give you a world-class customer experience and the Best Phone Sex call every single time. You can help with that, though, because like any great couple, a phone sex session is a relationship that requires give and take on both ends. We’ll give a little and you do the same, mostly with information to help us guide you through the most mind-blowingly-real telephone session you can imagine.
There are just three things to keep in mind to always have the Best Phone Sex. They are simple. They are all based on the same things any other relationship is based upon: being open, being honest and being realistic in your expectations, while still hoping for amazing every time. We want to give you a leg up on getting to the amazing part, though, so here are some tips on how to have the Best Phone Sex call ever.
First of all, for the Best Phone Sex, you must be open and honest. Yes, tip number one is here and, that’s right, you have to do what men have been complaining about for ages! You have to share what you are feeling! *giggle* Actually, you just have to open up and talk to us.
Our Mistresses are very open-minded and love to have fun, so they are ready and willing to listen to anything you have to tell them, no matter how naughty it is. They like to know what you are interested in and what you are hoping they want to talk about, as well.
So think about what kind of session you want. Are you hoping someone will be very strict with you? Our Mistresses can be strict or they can give you a bit of a break, taking it a little easier on you. That’s why you have to let them know if you crave the iron fist in the velvet glove.
We are all amazing and sexy, but not mind readers. Well, we aren’t quite yet; you never know, though! For now, you have to be open with yourself and then open up to us. Tell us what you really, really want.
Tip number two goes hand in hand with number one: you have to be very honest with us and with yourself. We want to have fun and so do you, but the only way to really enjoy yourself is to tell us the truth and only the truth. We can handle it. Promise.
You don’t have to worry about what we will think of you, we are just hoping to hear the truth so we don’t lead you down a path you don’t like. After all, being controlling FemDommes, we tend to lead and just expect you to follow; but that doesn’t mean you can’t choose the path. That’s why we need to know, so we don’t take any wrong turns.
Phone sex sessions require complete sexual trust and honesty and we are happy to give that to you, as long as we get the same in return. And for you to have the best session, you have to tell us if you really love to wear panties, because otherwise we won’t know.
Or if humiliation is your thing, lets hear about it. Besides, it might amuse us to have you submit to some of those things you need and desire.
Finally, the best way to make this relationship work is to be realistic. Remember, you are on the phone. We can’t reach out and grab those balls and give them a hard squeeze, but we can tell you to do it and you can imagine how it would feel for us to do it.
We know this isn’t exactly the same as having our hot bodies right there with you, but it can be very close. Especially if you are ready and willing to do everything in a very honest way and not try to lessen punishment just because you are on the phone. Then you can have a very real experience.
Phone sex is based on trust and mutual enjoyment. So just speak up, tell us what you want and then relax and let us take it from there. You’ll have fun and so will we and you can get to that place where you were hoping to be, when you picked up the phone and dialed.